Monday, August 31, 2009

Awesome Parts Deal

Tracked down an new rear end - from a second-generation camaro - a saginaw 4 speed transmission - from a second-generation camaro - and a 305 small block. All of it was very cheap, and it's true that you get what you pay for.

The motor will need a complete rebuild - when I pulled it off the back of my truck a couple liters of water poured out of it. I'll need to pull it apart to see what I'm dealing with here. I'd hate to throw it away, I really hope I can use it.

The transmission has a broken shifter boss - I'll need to weld it closed and then tap it for the shifter assembly to fit back on it - and that's if I don't use a floor mounted shifter (instead of a tranny mounted shifter).

The rear end is in good shape. Seems to be a 2.73:1 non-posi unit. It will do just great until I get a posi carrier for it.

Ok. Let me get my wrenches out. Heh heh.

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